Prejav predsedu vlády SR počas I. výročia teroristického útoku na Zámockej ulici

V94: 1st anniversary of the terrorist attack on Zamocka Street

On October 12, 2023, a commemorative gathering was held on Zámocká Street in Bratislava to mark the first anniversary of the terrorist attack outside the LGBTQ+ bar Tepláreň, where Juraj Vankulič and Matúš Horváth tragically lost their lives. The event, titled “Matúš and Juraj, We Will Not Forget,” drew hundreds of attendees who came to honor the victims and show support for the LGBTQ+ community. Prime Minister Ľudovít Ódor delivered a speech at the gathering, emphasizing the importance of...

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Marsch für s’Läbe … 1000 crosses

Zürich (Switzerland), 15.9.2011.Nach den Ausschreitungen in der Nacht kam es am Samstagnachmittag wieder zu Ausschreitungen in Zürich. Linksautonome versuchten eine Kundgebung von Abtreibungsgegnern zu verhindern. Die Polizei setzte Tränengas ein. Linksautonome hatten dazu aufgerufen, eine Kundgebung christlicher und rechtskonservativer Abtreibungsgegnerinnen und – gegner vom Samstagnachmittag in der Zürcher Innenstadt zu stören.Verletzt wurde niemand, wie ein Polizeisprecher auf Anfrage...

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V55: Queer Parade “Duhový Pride” in Bratislava 2012

On June 9, 2012, Bratislava celebrated its third annual Dúhový (Rainbow) Pride parade. Members of the international community expressed their moral and practical support for the parade organizers and participants. The event aimed to raise awareness of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community in the Slovak Republic and promote their human rights. As citizens of the European Union, the LGBT community in Slovakia enjoys legal guarantees under the Charter of Fundamental Rights...

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V58: March of DSSS against Roma people in Duchcov

On June 22, 2013, supporters of the radical Workers’ Party of Social Justice (DSSS) gathered at the Légií Square on the outskirts of the Roma quarter in Duchcov, Czech Republic. Shortly after the DSSS leader’s speech, the protesters clashed with police when they attempted to break through a police cordon to reach a group of Roma residents. At the same time, the civil association Konexie organized a public gathering called “Čikhatar het/Z bahna von” to support the Duchcov...

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Refugees at Polish-Ukrainian border 2022

V99: Racism at the Medyka Border During Ukraine’s Early War Days (2022)

The Medyka-Shehyni border crossing has become emblematic of the humanitarian and racial complexities that emerged in the early days of the war in Ukraine. While Poland opened its borders to millions of Ukrainian refugees fleeing the Russian invasion in February 2022, the initial wave of solidarity revealed underlying racial biases and inequities in the treatment of refugees. The Humanitarian Divide During the first days of the conflict, images of long lines at the Medyka crossing were broadcast...

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V63: Euro Maidan Kiev Ukraine 2014

In late 2013 and early 2014, anti-government protests known as EuroMaidan began in Ukraine, triggered by President Viktor Yanukovych’s decision to abandon closer ties with the European Union in favor of Russia. In December 2013, Russia offered Yanukovych a $15 billion bailout and a 33 percent discount on imported natural gas. The protests turned deadly on January 22, 2014, when at least three protesters were killed by gunshot during a police assault on the crowd, and more than 300 were...

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V41: Protest “Gorila” against corruption in Slovakia

The police intervention at the Gorilla Protest in Bratislava on March 9, one day before the general election, is set to be investigated by the Office of the General Prosecutor after 172 citizens submitted complaints over the matter, the Gorilla Protest Civil Movement announced on Tuesday, April 10. The civil movement claims that the police “were misused against defenceless people” in what it says was an “unlawful and brutal intervention”. The incident took place when...

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V72: Slovak far right extremists and hooligans against refugees and Islam

On June 20, 2015, thousands of people, primarily young individuals, gathered in Bratislava to protest against the inflow of refugees into the European Union. The demonstration was the first of its kind in Slovakia since the beginning of the migration crisis and was organized under the motto “Stop Islamisation of Europe.” Ultra-right radical Marian Kotleba, a governor of one of Slovakia’s self-rule regions, addressed the crowd. Following the official part of the protest, the...

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V74: Refugees on the way to West Europe: Bapska-Berkasovo

Thousands of refugees have crossed from Serbia into Croatia after being stranded in deteriorating conditions for days. The United Nations refugee agency estimates that 2,000 to 3,000 people were allowed to enter Croatia, which will likely increase the strain on neighboring Slovenia. The situation has worsened as Turkey insists it should not be expected to turn into a “concentration camp” for refugees, even if it tightens its borders. Turkey’s prime minister, Ahmet Davutoğlu...

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V73: Noční vlci v Bratislave / pro Putin’s Night wolfs

The Night Wolves, a Russian biker gang with strong ties to President Vladimir Putin, embarked on a 3,700-mile journey across Europe to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the victory over Nazi Germany. The group’s controversial route from Moscow to Berlin generated significant attention and led to complications with European authorities. This article examines the Night Wolves’ journey, their encounters with law enforcement, and the public’s reaction to their “victory...

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V47: Protest against corruption in Czech parliament in Prague

Prague, Czech republic, 15.3.2012 In a wave of public discontent, citizens across Czech cities, including Prague and Brno, have taken to the streets to express their dissatisfaction with the current government. The demonstrations, organized by grassroots movements, spotlight concerns about corruption, economic inequality, and environmental policies. These diverse protesters, united by their shared frustration, demand a more responsive and accountable political system. While government officials...

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V76: Refugees on their way to Western Europe: Trnovec Slovenian/Croatian border

19.10.2015, Trnovec, Slovenia/CroatiaAs the migration crisis in Europe continues, tensions rise between Austria, Slovenia, and Croatia over dealing with thousands of refugees stranded in the Balkans. The countries accuse each other of allowing migrants to cross their borders without taking responsibility. Slovenia has limited the number of refugees allowed to cross from Croatia, claiming Germany and Austria are also reducing the numbers they accept. Slovenia’s interior minister, Vesna...

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