
V72: Slovak far right extremists and hooligans against refugees and Islam

On June 20, 2015, thousands of people, primarily young individuals, gathered in Bratislava to protest against the inflow of refugees into the European Union. The demonstration was the first of its kind in Slovakia since the beginning of the migration crisis and was organized under the motto “Stop Islamisation of Europe.” Ultra-right radical Marian Kotleba, a governor of one of Slovakia’s self-rule regions, addressed the crowd. Following the official part of the protest, the...

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Occupy Town Square II., West Park Presbyterian Church

New York, USA, 11.2.2012. On February 11th Occupy Town Square at the West Park Presbyterian Church on west 86th St brought together activists young and old, seasoned veterans and newcomers, Marxists, anarchists, socialists, bloggers, screen-printers, dreamers, and me. Walking in I found myself unexpectedly incredibly moved by the atmosphere of camaraderie and, dare I say it, family. It felt so good to be together again in solidarity, occupying the same space, with my brothers and sisters in...

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V44: Anti Capitalist demo – Berlin Wedding

Berlin Wedding, Germany, 30th April 2012 7,000 police officers were deployed on Monday and Tuesday to keep the demonstrations under control. Traditionally, the violent “anticapitalist Walpurgis Night demo” has passed through Friedrichshain and Prenzlauer Berg. This time, it was unexpectedly relocated to the Sprengelkiez and Brüsseler Kiez in Wedding, an area between the Wedding S-Bahn station, the northern shore of the Berlin-Spandauer Shipping Canal, and See- and Müllerstraße. This...

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Po požiari budovy kultúrneho centra Stanica Žilina Záriečie

V97: After the fire in the building of the cultural center Stanica Žilina Záriečie

On September 15, 2019, a fire broke out in the iconic Stanica Žilina-Záriečie, a renowned cultural center located in the Záriečie district of Žilina, Slovakia. Known for its innovative programming and contributions to the cultural landscape, the venue suffered significant damage, leaving the local community and Slovakia’s cultural scene in mourning. Incident Overview The fire started in the early hours of the morning, engulfing parts of the building and causing extensive damage to the...

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V49: “Polish Independence Day” 11.11.2012 in Warsaw

On November 11th, 2012, Poland celebrated its Independence Day, but the celebrations were overshadowed by a controversial march known as the Marsz Niepodleglosci (March of Independence). The march was organized by far-right groups, and it attracted thousands of participants, many of whom espoused nationalist and anti-Semitic views. The march began peacefully, with participants carrying Polish flags and chanting slogans in support of their country. However, as the march progressed, tensions...

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V40: Queer Parade “Dúhový pride 2010” Bratislava

Bratislava, the capital city of Slovakia, was the site of historical first Pride Parade for the rights of LGBTQ individuals on May 22, 2010. The event was marred by violent clashes with members of the far-right extremist group, the Slovak Solidarity, who threw stones and tear gas grenades at the participants of the parade. Many of the LGBTQ individuals suffered injuries in these confrontations. The march, which began at Hviezdoslav Square in the city center, had to be rerouted to the other side...

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V65: Far right Identitarians protest against refugees in Vienna 2016

Vienna, June 11, 2016 – A far-right Identitarian movement staged a high-profile protest in the heart of Vienna, igniting fervent discussions about their ideology and raising concerns about the rise of nationalist sentiments in Europe. The demonstration, held under the banner of “Defending Europe,” attracted both supporters and critics, prompting a closer examination of the movement’s objectives and the implications for the broader political landscape. The Identitarian...

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V74: Refugees on the way to West Europe: Bapska-Berkasovo

Thousands of refugees have crossed from Serbia into Croatia after being stranded in deteriorating conditions for days. The United Nations refugee agency estimates that 2,000 to 3,000 people were allowed to enter Croatia, which will likely increase the strain on neighboring Slovenia. The situation has worsened as Turkey insists it should not be expected to turn into a “concentration camp” for refugees, even if it tightens its borders. Turkey’s prime minister, Ahmet Davutoğlu...

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V66: 11.11.2014 Marsz Niepodległości / Polish Independence Day in Warsaw

On November 11th, 2014, Poland celebrated its Independence Day, but the day was marred by violence during the Marsz Niepodleglosci (March of Independence) organized by far-right groups. Tens of thousands of participants marched through the streets of Warsaw to mark the anniversary of Polish independence, but a group of several hundred masked men broke away from the main march and threw stones and flares at lines of riot police. The police responded by using water cannons and rubber bullets to...

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V69: Far right extremists of DSSS vs. Blockade Brno blokuje 2015

On May 1, 2015, in Brno, Czech Republic, around 1,500 to 2,000 individuals gathered to oppose a May Day procession organized by the extremist group “Dělnická mládež” (Worker Youth). The protesters blocked access routes to Malinovského Square while chanting slogans like “Náckové ven z Brna” (Nazis out of Brno). The situation escalated as the police intervened to separate the opposing groups, deploying hundreds of riot officers, mounted police, and even a helicopter...

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V68: Antifa Bratislava vs. Slovak nationalists

On March 14, 2015, the wartime Slovak Republic, an ally of Nazi Germany, was commemorated by extremist nationalist groups during the annual “For Independent Slovakia” march. In previous years, the event had witnessed violent clashes between the extremist groups and anti-fascist activists. However, this year, marking the 76th anniversary of the establishment of the Slovak state, police intervention successfully prevented clashes by diverting the nationalists to a different location...

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Refugees at Polish Belarus border

V90: Humanitarian Crisis Unfolding at the Polish-Belarus Border

The Polish-Belarus border has become a focal point of a burgeoning humanitarian crisis, drawing global attention as refugees find themselves trapped in a perilous situation. What started as a political standoff between the European Union (EU) and Belarus has evolved into a dire situation at the border, with vulnerable individuals bearing the brunt of the escalating tensions. The crisis began in 2021 when Belarus, under President Alexander Lukashenko, allegedly encouraged refugees, to cross into...

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