Category - Slovakia

Ongoing video documentary project “New Nationalism in the Heart of Europe” (2009-present)

V72: Slovak far right extremists and hooligans against refugees and Islam

On June 20, 2015, thousands of people, primarily young individuals, gathered in Bratislava to protest against the inflow of refugees into the European Union. The demonstration was the first of its kind in Slovakia since the beginning of the migration crisis and was organized under the motto “Stop Islamisation of Europe.” Ultra-right radical Marian Kotleba, a governor of one of Slovakia’s self-rule regions, addressed the crowd...

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V73: Noční vlci v Bratislave / pro Putin’s Night wolfs

The Night Wolves, a Russian biker gang with strong ties to President Vladimir Putin, embarked on a 3,700-mile journey across Europe to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the victory over Nazi Germany. The group’s controversial route from Moscow to Berlin generated significant attention and led to complications with European authorities. This article examines the Night Wolves’ journey, their encounters with law enforcement, and the...

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V68: Antifa Bratislava vs. Slovak nationalists

On March 14, 2015, the wartime Slovak Republic, an ally of Nazi Germany, was commemorated by extremist nationalist groups during the annual “For Independent Slovakia” march. In previous years, the event had witnessed violent clashes between the extremist groups and anti-fascist activists. However, this year, marking the 76th anniversary of the establishment of the Slovak state, police intervention successfully prevented clashes by...

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V54: Citizens and Mayor Block Far-Right March in Bratislava

On March 16, 2013, around 200 people gathered at SNP Square in Bratislava to block the path of far-right extremists marching to the grave of Jozef Tiso. The blockade was personally supported by the city’s mayor, Milan Ftáčnik, who led the procession waiting for the arrival of the neo-Nazis. The office announced the blockade at the mayor’s request the day before the event. Ftáčnik emphasized the importance of expressing opposition to...

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V50: Kotleba’s “big cleaning” in Romani settlement

On September 29, 2012, promoters of the far-right People’s Party Our Slovakia (Ľudová strana Naše Slovensko – LSNS) are planning an event to “clean up” the Romani settlement in Krásná Hôrka, Slovakia. The party is inviting people to attend the event through social networks and its website, claiming that more than 300 people might participate. Marián Kotleba, the party’s leading candidate, has requested the Slovak State...

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V55: Queer Parade “Duhový Pride” in Bratislava 2012

On June 9, 2012, Bratislava celebrated its third annual Dúhový (Rainbow) Pride parade. Members of the international community expressed their moral and practical support for the parade organizers and participants. The event aimed to raise awareness of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community in the Slovak Republic and promote their human rights. As citizens of the European Union, the LGBT community in Slovakia enjoys legal...

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V41: Protest “Gorila” against corruption in Slovakia

The police intervention at the Gorilla Protest in Bratislava on March 9, one day before the general election, is set to be investigated by the Office of the General Prosecutor after 172 citizens submitted complaints over the matter, the Gorilla Protest Civil Movement announced on Tuesday, April 10. The civil movement claims that the police “were misused against defenceless people” in what it says was an “unlawful and brutal...

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V39: Národná púť k soche Svätopluka

On August 7, 2010, around 100 supporters of the People’s Party – Our Slovakia gathered at Hodžovo Square in Bratislava to participate in the “National Pilgrimage to the Statue of King Svätopluk.” The participants marched from the meeting point through Palisády towards Bratislava Castle, where the statue of Svätopluk is located. According to the march organizer, Marián Mišún, the pilgrimage is intended to honor history and the...

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V40: Queer Parade “Dúhový pride 2010” Bratislava

Bratislava, the capital city of Slovakia, was the site of historical first Pride Parade for the rights of LGBTQ individuals on May 22, 2010. The event was marred by violent clashes with members of the far-right extremist group, the Slovak Solidarity, who threw stones and tear gas grenades at the participants of the parade. Many of the LGBTQ individuals suffered injuries in these confrontations. The march, which began at Hviezdoslav Square in the...

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V38: Slovenská pospolitosť v Turzovke

On August 29, 2009, approximately 200 Roma residents of Turzovka, a town in the Kysuce region of Slovakia, left their homes a day before a planned anti-Roma protest by the extremist organization Slovenská Pospolitosť (Slovak Brotherhood). Local residents and the town’s mayor confirmed the exodus, with some Roma unable to fit on buses to Ostrava and resorting to taxis and cars. In anticipation of the protest, dozens of police vehicles and...

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