Author - Rafavideoart

Filmmaker, visual artist, and photographer Rafavideoart studied at the Academy of Arts in Banská Bystrica and the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. Since 2009, he has been documenting the growing nationalism and far-right groups within the Visegrád Group countries. In Slovakia, he is actively involved in transforming the segregation walls surrounding the Roma communities.

Filmár, vizuálny umelec a fotograf Rafavideoart študoval na Akadémii umení v Banskej Bystrici a na Akadémii výtvarných umení vo Varšave. Od roku 2009 dokumentuje rastúci nacionalizmus a ultrapravicové skupiny v priestore Vyšehradskej štvorky. Na Slovensku sa angažuje v pretváraní segregačných múrov ohraničujúcich rómskej komunity.

V73: Noční vlci v Bratislave / pro Putin’s Night wolfs

The Night Wolves, a Russian biker gang with strong ties to President Vladimir Putin, embarked on a 3,700-mile journey across Europe to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the victory over Nazi Germany. The group’s controversial route from Moscow to Berlin generated significant attention and led to complications with European authorities. This article examines the Night Wolves’ journey, their encounters with law enforcement, and the...

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V69: Far right extremists of DSSS vs. Blockade Brno blokuje 2015

On May 1, 2015, in Brno, Czech Republic, around 1,500 to 2,000 individuals gathered to oppose a May Day procession organized by the extremist group “Dělnická mládež” (Worker Youth). The protesters blocked access routes to Malinovského Square while chanting slogans like “Náckové ven z Brna” (Nazis out of Brno). The situation escalated as the police intervened to separate the opposing groups, deploying hundreds of riot...

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V68: Antifa Bratislava vs. Slovak nationalists

On March 14, 2015, the wartime Slovak Republic, an ally of Nazi Germany, was commemorated by extremist nationalist groups during the annual “For Independent Slovakia” march. In previous years, the event had witnessed violent clashes between the extremist groups and anti-fascist activists. However, this year, marking the 76th anniversary of the establishment of the Slovak state, police intervention successfully prevented clashes by...

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V67: PEGIDA/LEGIDA vs. Antifa in Leipzig

Legida, short for “Leipzig gegen die Islamisierung des Abendlandes” is a German right-wing populist movement that emerged as an offshoot of the more prominent Pegida movement. Legida, which is centered in the eastern city of Leipzig, was established in early 2015 and has been organizing weekly demonstrations since then. Like Pegida, Legida’s stated aim is to protest against what it sees as the Islamization of Germany and the...

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V66: 11.11.2014 Marsz Niepodległości / Polish Independence Day in Warsaw

On November 11th, 2014, Poland celebrated its Independence Day, but the day was marred by violence during the Marsz Niepodleglosci (March of Independence) organized by far-right groups. Tens of thousands of participants marched through the streets of Warsaw to mark the anniversary of Polish independence, but a group of several hundred masked men broke away from the main march and threw stones and flares at lines of riot police. The police...

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V65: Front line in Eastern Ukraine

This video captures the civilian population caught in the middle of the ongoing war in Ukraine, which started with the Russian annexation of Crimea in 2014. The conflict has been fueled by a hybrid war, involving not only military operations, but also propaganda, cyber attacks, and the support of separatist movements. Despite several ceasefires, the fighting has continued, and the conflict has caused the largest refugee crisis in Europe since...

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V64: At the heart of the war for East Ukraine. Battle of Slovyansk

Ukrainian forces mobilized near Sloviansk and Kramatorsk, where separatists had seized government buildings. Despite the tense atmosphere and likelihood of conflict, the mood in eastern Ukraine remained defiant. Sloviansk, a small industrial town near the Russian border, transformed into a potential battleground. Armed pro-Russia activists occupied a police station and were prepared to face Ukrainian forces. The situation escalated as machine...

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V63: Euro Maidan Kiev Ukraine 2014

In late 2013 and early 2014, anti-government protests known as EuroMaidan began in Ukraine, triggered by President Viktor Yanukovych’s decision to abandon closer ties with the European Union in favor of Russia. In December 2013, Russia offered Yanukovych a $15 billion bailout and a 33 percent discount on imported natural gas. The protests turned deadly on January 22, 2014, when at least three protesters were killed by gunshot during a...

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V61: March of far-rights (Polish and Czech hooligans) against Roma people in Ostrava

During the summer of 2013, the Czech Republic saw a wave of far-right rallies against the Roma people. These rallies were sparked by a violent incident at a swimming pool in the town of Dubí, where a group of Roma individuals allegedly attacked a non-Roma woman who had confronted a young Roma boy for splashing water. The incident was widely reported in the media and quickly became a topic of debate in Czech society. On June 24th, 2013, anti-Roma...

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V59: Protest of nationalists against Roma people in České Budějovice

Far-right protests in Ceske Budejovice against the Roma community turned violent on Saturday, 29 June 2013, resulting in eight people being injured, including two police officers. More than 100 people were detained during the clashes, and police found baseball bats, brass knuckles, gas pistols and other weapons in possession of the demonstrators. Protestors had attempted to reach neighborhoods where the Roma population was prominent, leading to...

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